Final Thesis: Jayvee Data Wrangler

Abstract: This thesis aims to explore and explain the creation of an open source software (Jayvee Data Wrangler) that ought to perform data wrangling tasks to help users with importing their data (CSV) into a database, as well as its exploration and editing in a semi-automated way. The software is based on the DSL Jayvee. The Jayvee Data Wrangler is designed to be an easy-to-use software that also aims to simplify the process of generating data pipelines and make the features of ETL pipelines accessible to non-programmers. The software guides users through the process of importing and modifying data, automatically recognizing essential metadata and providing filtering and modification options for the imported data. It generates valid Jayvee code to allow further modification by more experienced users. This thesis also includes an evaluation of the Jayvee Data Wrangler, a comparison with other data wrangling tools, and suggestions for extending the Jayvee Data Wrangler. The source code of the Jayvee Data Wrangler is available here.

Keywords: Jayvee, data engineering, data wrangler, low-code

PDF: Master Thesis

Reference: Elias Pfann. Jayvee Data Wrangler. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2024.
